Madrid Internet Cafes


Madrid Internet Cafe – Internet cafes are now in almost every major city in the world. Technology is expanding everyday, and more and more travellers are looking for Internet access whilst they are on holiday. If you are planning a trip to Madrid, then your luck is in. Madrid just happens to be one of the most Internet café friendly cities in Europe.

internet cafe madrid

All throughout the city there are various Internet Cafes, aimed at both the general public and the thousands of tourists who visit the capital each year. If you are travelling to Madrid, you should be able to find a local Internet café near where you want to stay without much of a problem, as there aren’t very many areas that don’t cater for this need. You can also be confident in the fact that most Internet cafes in the city have high-speed Internet access, and are reasonably cheap and affordable.

Below we have listed a few Madrid Internet Cafes that are in various parts of the city, in the hope that these will provide you a starting point when it comes to finding the Internet café that best suits your needs when you go on holiday.

Video Internet
C/ Carmen Calzado 3
Alcala de Henares
Tel: 91 8881831.

Net Cafe
C/ San Bernardo 81 Madrid
Tel: 91 5940999.

Laser Coffee Shop
21 Rosario Street
Madrid 28005
Tel: 34 91 3664256.

Internet Cafe Madrid
Internet Cafe Madrid Martin Schenk
C/Dulzaina 2, Esc.1
5c 28033

Cestein Internet Cafe
C / Leganitos
11 local Puerta de Calle
España o Santo Domingo

116 Madrid 28010
Tel: (91) 444 03 30.

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