Madrid Theatre



Madrid Theatre – If you are travelling to Madrid, and you want to stop by a theatre for an evening of entertainment, then you have come to the right city. Madrid has a plethora of theatres to offer, each showing varied and diverse shows and plays.

Madrid Theater

The best theatres to visit include the Tearto Nuevo Apolo, which is Madrid’s venue for large-scale musical spectaculars, and the Teatro Marquina, which was reopened in 1997 after a total refurbishment. The Teatro Marquina regularly stages quality productions, often with well-known actors.

The Teatro de Madrid is also worth a visit, and was built by the city council. It has impressive facilities but is some way out from the city centre. It stages ballet, Spanish dance and high-budget drama productions.

Another venue worth seeing is the Teatro Español, which is often said to be Madrid’s most beautiful theatre. It dates from 1745, and stages mainly 20th century Spanish drama.

The Tearto Lara was restored in the 19th century and makes for an interesting night out. It stages a wide mixture of plays (often comedy productions).

Finally, another theatre that you should visit if you get the chance is the Teatro María Guerrero Centro Dramático Nacional. This is a very highly regarded theatre, which stages modern Spanish dramas, as well as foreign productions.

Tearto Nuevo Apolo
Address: Plaza de Tirso de Molina 1
Tel: +34 91 369 06 37
Metro: Tirso de Molina

Teatro Marquina 
Address: Calle Prim 11
Tel: +34 91 532 31 86
Metro: Banco de España/Cólon

Teatro de Madrid
Address: Avenida de la Ilustración s/n
Tel: +34 91 740 52 74
Metro: Barrio del Pilar

Teatro Español 
Address: Calle Príncipe 25
Tel: +34 91 429 62 97
Metro: Sevilla/Sol

Tearto Lara 
Address: Correndera Baja de San Pablo
Tel: +34 91 521 05 52
Metro: Callao

Teatro María Guerrero Centro Dramático Nacional 
Address: Calle Tamayo y Baus 4
Tel: +34 91 319 47 69
Metro: Colón

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